Our homework expectations are:
- That every child reads for a minimum of 20 minutes each day and that their reading record is signed by an adult at home
- That every child practises their times tables for a minimum of 10 minutes each day, using their times tables cards, Times Tables Rockstars, or timestables.co.uk to help
- That every child learns 5 new spellings per week
Exposure to reading, spelling and times tables on a daily basis will ensure that your child develops into a confident and proficient learner. Spellings will be written into spelling books every Monday and tested each Friday. Please ensure that spelling books are in school every Monday and Friday. At times, we may send additional handwriting practice home with children. The aim of this is develop their speed, confidence and presentation when writing. In this case, please ensure that your child returns their homework the Friday after they are given it. In addition, your child can practice their handwriting at any time by logging on to LetterJoin (https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/). Please read the following letter to assist you with logging in LetterJoin login letter.
Please use the following website to practise your times tables in a timed situation. Timestables.co.uk has several games and tasks that can be done in order to help you improve your recall of the times tables. https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/
All children are expected to read regularly at home, and record this in their reading records. Reading records are collected daily and those children that have not read at home will be asked to read at lunchtime with a ‘reading buddy’. We are incredibly lucky to have access to such rich and varied literature for children so please take the time to look at the following recommended reading lists, pick a book and let your imagination soar!