To coincide with the General Election, our children deepened their understanding of democracy.  Class 4 pupils have analysed the various political parties’ manifestos and devised their own.  They formed their own parties, delivered very impressive speeches at a whole school hustings and canvassed support in the playground with persuasive literature.  We held our very own election on Wednesday, 3rd July.  Every pupil visited our polling station and learnt how to complete a ballot paper.  We then held an official count with scrutineers and announced the winning party in the afternoon.  The whole school was very excited!  Congratulations to the Bright Party!

Below are some of the children’s manifestos; take a little time to read them – you won’t be disappointed.

Echo manifesto

Bright manifesto

Game Changers manifesto

Caton Keepers manifesto

R.O.UK manifesto

National Justice Party manifesto


Our MP, Cat Smith, visited our school to explain all about her role as a Member of Parliament and how British democracy works.  After her visit, she posted, “Wow! I think I met some future MPs at Caton Primary School. Let no one ever say Years 5 & 6 don’t know about Parliament and politics – brilliant questions from this class”.

At Caton Primary School, our pupils develop a strong set of values and principles, and question and understand what it means to grow up in British society.

Through a rich and challenging humanities curriculum, and a focus on key events in British History, we invite pupils to reflect upon their role in a diverse, multicultural and multi faith society.

We equip pupils with a mature, respectful and sensitive appreciation for difference and diversity by including opportunities to learn about multiculturalism and identity. In discussing what it means to be British, children engage critically with stereotypes and prejudices and develop an understanding of how we can celebrate our heritage and home cultures whilst also embracing the ties that bind us together.

Our values-based assemblies encourage pupils to explore different values that underpin what it is to be human and how to harness those that make a difference to others. Being involved in our Pupil Council furthers the opportunities to explore democracy, the law and responsibility.

Our school is enriched by the spirituality of our school community, and we teach an inclusive and all-embracing Religious Education curriculum that follows the local SACRE scheme which teaches pupils about the beliefs and practices of all major religious groups, and indeed the shared values that religion can promote in synchrony with core British values.

We take our responsibility to promote community cohesion, generate a respect for difference and individual rights seriously ensuring our pupils recognise the valuable role that they play as emerging citizens in British society.