Why do schools have governors?

The law requires each school to have a governing body made up of people who represent many interested parties (including parents, teachers, the local authority and the community) and its task is to oversee the running of the school at a strategic level.

Characteristics of Governing Bodies

Governors are people who have an interest in the role of schools in society and wish to make a positive contribution to their communities. One key task for governing bodies is to promote high standards of educational achievement.


The Resources Committee monitors the school’s overall expenditure, including the use of specific grants such as the Sports Grant and the Pupil Premium Grant. This committee also works with the headteacher on staffing issues, including well-being, and oversees Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Premises matters. The committee meets at least once a term and reports to the Full Governing Board.
The Curriculum and Standards Committee monitors the Quality of Education and the achievement of pupils.It also monitors the quality of provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and vulnerable pupils including those eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant. The committee also receives reports on attendance, behaviour and attitudes and meets at least once a term, reporting to the Full Governing Board.

Who are our Governors?

Caton Primary School Governing Body Membership 2024 – 25

Local Authority (1) : Mr J Gordon. Elected 3/7/22.  End of term 2/7/26.

Co-opted (5) :

Mr J Hewitt (Chair of Governors).  Elected 22/6/16.  End of term 21/6/2028;

Mr S Clarkson (Vice Chair of Governors).  Elected 12/4/22.  End of term 11/4/26;

Mr M Wright.  Elected 3/3/22.  End of term 2/3/26;

Mrs L Sargent-Small.  Elected 11/7/22.  End of term 10/7/26;

Mrs S Pennington.  Elected 23/3/23.  End of term 22/3/27.

Parents (4) :

Mr M Dobras.  Elected 11/10/21.  End of term 10/10/25;

Mrs L Taylor.  Elected 22/6/21.   End of term 21/6/25;

Mr T Capstick. Elected 15/11/22.  End of term 14/11/26;

Ms H Chandisingh. Elected 1/2/23.  End of term 31/1/27.

Staff (1) : Mrs E Cain.  Elected 3/9/21.  End of term 2/9/25.

Headteacher : Mrs G Bowskill

Further information about committees, responsibilities and attendance of governors can be found below:

Meeting attendance 2023-2024

Governor Information

Gail Bowskill
Gail BowskillHead Teacher
Jonathan Hewitt
Jonathan HewittChair of Governors
Steve Clarkson
Steve ClarksonVice-Chair of Governors, Chair of Resources Committee
John Gordon
John GordonVice-Chair of Resources Committee
Ellie Cain
Ellie CainStaff Governor
Laura Taylor
Laura TaylorParent Governor
Lisa Sargent-Small
Lisa Sargent-SmallCo-opted Governor
Maciek Dobras
Maciek DobrasParent Governor
Mike Wright
Mike WrightCo-opted Governor
Sarah Pennington
Sarah PenningtonCo-opted Governor
Hannah Chandisingh
Hannah ChandisinghParent Governor
Thomas Capstick
Thomas CapstickParent Governor

Anyone wishing to contact a school governor can do so by emailing them at the address below.

Jonathan Hewitt – jhewitt@caton.lancs.sch.uk

Steve Clarkson – sclarkson@caton.lancs.sch.uk

John Gordon – jgordon@caton.lancs.sch.uk

Mike Wright – mwright@caton.lancs.sch.uk

Lisa Sargent-Small – lsargentsmall@caton.lancs.sch.uk

Sarah Pennington – spennington@caton.lancs.sch.uk

Maciek Dobras – mdobras@caton.lancs.sch.uk

Laura Taylor – ltaylor@caton.lancs.sch.uk

Elouise Cain – ecain@caton.lancs.sch.uk