Daily reading – All children should read a quality text of an appropriate level. Children should either bring their book to school and back each day or have two books, one at home and one at school that they are reading at the same time. An adult should sign their reading record each day. Children will read books from a structured reading scheme until we decide they are ready to become a ‘free reader’. We ask that everyone reads for a minimum of twenty minutes daily. Reading records will be checked daily and if not completed, additional support will be provided at a lunchtime reading club.

Click here to access a list of recommended texts:

Year 5

Year 6

Weekly spellings – These will be set on Monday and tested each Friday. Spellings for the whole term will be sent home and are available below. Please support your child in learning their five weekly spellings.

Please find the lists below.

2024-2025 Spring Term Spellings 

2024-2025 Autumn Term spellings



Times tables – These should be practised regularly at home; knowing these is crucial and the expectation of the national curriculum is that all children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. This means being able to recite times tables i.e. 0 times 5 is 0,1 times 5 is 5, 2 times 5 is 10 etc. and knowing related division facts i.e. 0 divided by 5 is 0, 5 divided by 5 is 1, 10 divided by 5 is 2 etc.

Maths – Each week, children will be set a page of questions on Google Classroom to compete for homework which will be linked to our in school learning. This will be set on a Tuesday and due for Friday. We will go through the questions as a class on a Friday so homework books need to be in school.

Reading – Each week, children will be set a page of questions on Google Classroom to complete for homework which will be linked to our learning in school. This will be set on a Tuesday and due for Friday. We will go through the questions together in class each Friday so homework books need to be in school.