First aid training


Our whole school received basic first aid training this afternoon.  We do hope they will never need to use it but these little people could save a life now they know what to do.

First aid training2019-04-02T15:32:56+01:00

Word Hunters


This week, we launched our new inter class competition - Word Hunters of the week. The first class to win our shiny, new trophy was Class 1 who found 48 new words.   Well done Class 1!

Word Hunters2019-04-01T20:56:12+01:00

Amazon adventure


Class 2 were very lucky to have a visit from Linda Macluskie this afternoon. Linda's talk, photos and videos all about her recent trip to the Amazon rainforest were really fascinating and the children learnt lots more about this term's geography topic.

Amazon adventure2019-03-20T15:59:13+00:00

Caton’s Got Talent


We enjoyed being entertained by our very own stars today, all in aid of Comic Relief.  They sang, danced, told jokes and played musical instruments and were judged by our governor, Mr Gordon and Joyce Warrington MBE.

Caton’s Got Talent2019-03-15T22:24:23+00:00

World book day


What a wonderful effort everyone made for World Book Day! Our visiting author, Rob Bullock, officially opened our new library and the children are all very excited about finding the 20 golden tickets hidden inside the books. Special thanks to the PTA for buying our fabulous new furniture!

World book day2019-03-11T07:43:45+00:00

Football success


What a fantastic result in the Lune Valley football tournament today when we came 2nd out of 10 teams and only narrowly lost on penalties in the final. What makes it an even bigger achievement was the fact that it was a Year 5/6 tournament and our team was made up of Years 3 and 4 as well.  Well done boys!

Football success2019-02-06T16:14:14+00:00
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