Meals and SnacksGail Bowskill2018-10-18T17:36:28+01:00
Meals and Snacks
We encourage children to eat as healthily as possible and this is reflected in our school meals and snacks.
All children are offered milk during the morning break – no charge
Children in KS1 are offered a piece of fruit during the day – no charge
Our cook, Mrs Jarvis prepares tuck for those children who request it at the start of the day. This is available during the morning break and items such as toast and pancakes, cost 10p. We ask that children in KS1 bring this is a named envelope or purse and that you limit it to 20p per day.
Mrs Jarvis prepares meals each day on site in our own kitchen. She follows the Lancashire County Council menu but makes adaptations to suit the tastes of our children whilst encouraging them to try new flavours.
School meals cost £2.30 per day and from September 2018 will be payable weekly, in advance. For those families who may need to purchase the odd meal from time to time, payments will be required on the day. Dinner statements are sent to parents on a weekly basis.
Children may also choose to bring a packed lunch. We ask parents to ensure that these contain healthy options like raw vegetable sticks, fruit, cheese and meats and are free from chocolate bars and fizzy drinks and limit items such as crisps, cakes and biscuits.
Please ensure your child comes to school each day with a water bottle (no cordial or flavoured water please).
Do let us know if your child has any food allergies.