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Our ExpectationsGail Bowskill2018-03-08T14:46:37+00:00
School Expectations:
We behave in a courteous and respectful manner, having unconditional positive regard for everyone.
We respect others’ personal space and privacy.
We follow instructions the first time they are given without answering back.
We understand that name calling, swearing, teasing and bullying are unacceptable behaviour.
We are patient and learn to control our reactions (and do not shout, hit or kick)
We remind each other of the code
We move calmly and quietly around school.
We look after things – those belonging to us, those belonging to others and the environment
We keep the school clean and tidy so that it is a welcoming and safe place.
We make the most of school by: coming in on time, with a positive attitude, working hard, being responsible for our learning, letting others learn and always being our best
We look after those in our community – the school, the village, the world
We show ourselves in the best light wherever we are
Classroom Expectations:
Listen without interrupting
Follow instructions first time
Try your best and let others do the same
Encourage others to do well
Use quiet, calm voices
Move around calmly and safely
Request help by putting your hand up or asking politely
Keep the classroom tidy by returning equipment to where it belongs
Expectations around School
Enjoying the school grounds, whilst being mindful of safety
Walking not running inside the building
Keeping to the left in corridors
Using litter bins
Keeping our buildings safe and tidy
Looking after the building and grounds by tidying away after playtimes and after school clubs
Respecting displays
Expectations of Behaviour towards Others
Greeting everyone cheerfully
Being friendly and showing good manners
Respecting other people’s feelings
Respecting other people’s beliefs
Understanding that people may be having a bad day and showing compassion
Respecting other people’s property and the school environment
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